Saturday, February 17, 2007

Stranger Than Fiction (2006)

Stranger Than Fiction (2006)
Marc Forster

Well I knew the good luck would run out soon enough and this was it. I am really questioning if this was a comedy, because it was really not funny. There were a few chuckles here and there but I can't tell if it tried too hard or didn't try hard enough. There were some visual techniques that were pretty cool, but they were completely out of place and the audio was pretty weak. The story was different, but just because something is unique does not mean that it is good. The acting was fine but the big surprise was how great Maggie Gyllenhaal was. I was shocked to see how much better of an actor she is than her brother, but then again that doesn't take too much. Overall, this movie is just not worth seeing. Make sure to check out the review on my podcast, which should be up on Monday.

Acting: B-
Audio: C
Visual: B
Story: D
Other: F

Parney Points: 2

To visit the imdb listing for this film, click here.

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