Monday, February 19, 2007

The Island (2005)

The Island (2005)
Michael Bay

I am pretty torn about this film. There were a lot of corny lines and some plot holes, but other than that is was actually pretty good. The acting was great, especially by Djimon Hounsou, who took a very poorly written character and turned him into a two dimensional major character. The visual effects were pretty cool and suprisingly not too over the top. The score of the film was phenomenal, but they could have used it a little more throughout the entire movie. The story was predictable at times and completely original, but still pretty clever. My only big problem with this film is that I couldn't really tell what it was trying to be. It started out science fiction, then went to comedy, then action thriller, then drama at the end. At about the halfway mark, its almost as if one movie just ended and the second half is something altogether different. I feel like this is a movie that a lot of people may not like, but I think if you go into it with an open mind, you will be pleasently suprised and so I will give it 3 strong Parney Points.

Acting: A
Audio: A
Visual: B+
Story: B
Other: B-

Parney Points: 3

To visit the imdb listing for this film, click here.


Anonymous said...

I had not heard much about the movie prior to this review, but now I am excited to watch it! Thank you, Parnell, whoever you are.

Stephen said...

actually, the films plot borrows heavily from earlier films like equilibrium and especially THX 1138.

In my opinion this was still an excellent film though.