Sunday, February 18, 2007

Red Eye (2005)

Red Eye (2005)
Wes Craven

Nothing original here, same old "scary" movie where the female lead is being threatened and has to overcome the man who transformed from nice guy to killer. Luckily the good acting saved me from total boredom. Cillian Murphy again plays a very convincing evil role and Rachel McAdams does great as the female lead. It was mainly disappointing to me because the female character had so much strength that I wasn't worried or scared for her at all, which the viewer needs to be in order for a film like this to be effective. Overall it was disappointing; it was just not scary.

Acting: B+
Audio: D
Visual: D
Story: D
Other: F

Parney Points: 1

To visit the imdb listing for this film, click here.

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