Saturday, February 17, 2007

Crank (2006)

Crank (2006)
Mark Neveldine & Brian Taylor

Another surprise. Again I went into a movie thinking it was going to be so/so and it turned out to be entertaining! maybe I should change my expectations next time. Although Crank was exactly what it looked like it would be, (a fast past movie full of action and lust) it was actually a good movie too. The visual effects were stunning, but I'm not talking about the big explosions and all, the use of little details and special techniques were outstanding. For example there were subtitles at the bottom of the screen during one scene, and when the camera switched to the speakers point of view, the subtitles could be seen on the screen backwards, from behind, as if the subtitles were coming from the man talking. Now that's clever The use of audio was effective and the acting was convincing. However this is definitely an R-rated film and I would advise parents not to let their kids see it. The movie is in no way an academy award nominee, but it is definitely a fun movie to watch with your friends one weekend. Check out my podcast, "Parnell's Movie Reviews" on itunes for the full review.

Acting: B
Audio: A
Visual: A+
Story: C-
Other: C

Parney Points: 3

To visit the imdb listing for this film, click here.

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