Monday, March 1, 2010

Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire (2009)

Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire (2009)
Lee Daniels

Precious was your typical 'child fighting to get out of poverty' story. Lee Daniels created a captivating and believable scenario and all of the actors played their parts well. There was nothing wrong with the film, but there was nothing great either. The story, visuals, audio, and acting were all slightly better than average. Monique was the only one who really shined and definitely deserves the Best Supporting Actress Oscar.

The film is lucky to have the Best Picture and Best Actress nominations, for as decently as Gabourey Sidibe acted, her role was not challenging and she wasn't required to do much more than mumble a few lines during the two hours she was on camera. Apart from Monique's great portrayal of Precious' mother, the best part of the film was the short, 10 second cut scenes used to demonstrate Precious' creative coping mechanism. This is another film you should add to your Netflix queue, but don't go out and spend any money to see it.

Acting: B
Visual: C
Audio: C
Story: B+
Other: A

Parney Points: 4

To see the imdb listing for this film click here.

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