Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Hurt Locker (2009)

The Hurt Locker (2009)
Katheryn Bigelow

The Hurt Locker is a phenomenal movie, the second best modern-war movie I have seen, behind only Black Hawk Down. This movie is captivating, intense, comedic, dramatic all in one. Jeremy Renner is brilliant in the main role and truly draws you in each and every scene. One of the greatest aspects of the movie is that it is not focused on the war and story is not driven by it either. The Iraqi war is simply the setting of the story revolving around the protagonist. The true purpose and beauty of the film is the examination of the protagonist's dual nature. He is both a great soldier and terrible soldier at the same time; you love him or hate him depending on the scene. In any other year The Hurt Locker would deserve best picture, unfortunately it is going up against a film that only comes along about once a decade. The Best Directing award is Katheryn Bigelow's to lose and if the Best Picture Award ends up being an upset, this is surely the film to surprise everyone. Due to the film's limited release, it is possible that you have not yet seen this film; out of every film nominated this year, this is the one you should not miss.

Acting: A
Visual: B+
Audio: B
Story: A
Other: A+

Parney Points: 5

To see the imdb listing for this film click here.

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