Sunday, March 7, 2010

District 9 (2009)

District 9 (2009)
Neill Blomkamp

This film was the biggest surprise of the Oscar season. While I was expecting a purely-political satire trying to force its message on the viewer, that was not the case. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that District 9 was instead a true science-fiction adventure, with deep characters and a compelling story line. What set this film apart from others was the exceptional detail of the visuals, especially the emotions and personalities of the Prawns. The first third of the movie, told in a documentary-esque form was fantastic, and really set the tone for the entire film. This is a must see and should go down as one better Science Fiction films in the last decade.

Acting: B
Visual: A
Audio: B
Story: B+
Other: A

Parney Points: 4.5

To see the imdb listing for this film click here.

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