Sunday, March 7, 2010

Avatar (2009)

Avatar (2009)
James Cameron

Like I said in my last review, Avatar is a film that only comes around once a decade. Everything about it is fantastic, the acting, the storyline, and of course the audio and visuals. The biggest complaint about Avatar is that the story is unoriginal. However, you cannot think of it as unoriginal, instead realize that this film is a beautiful and fresh retelling of a classic story. The visual effects were incredible, as expected, but an unexpected aspect of the film, the score, was also fantastic and really encompassed the epic nature of the film. You can read tons of different reviews and opinions on this movie, but no matter what you read, there is no reason to not to see this film in the theaters. Avatar should, and most likely will, run away with the Best Picture award for 2009.

Acting: A
Visual: A+
Audio: A+
Story: B+
Other: A

Parney Points: 5

To see the imdb listing for this film click here.

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