Sunday, March 7, 2010

Avatar (2009)

Avatar (2009)
James Cameron

Like I said in my last review, Avatar is a film that only comes around once a decade. Everything about it is fantastic, the acting, the storyline, and of course the audio and visuals. The biggest complaint about Avatar is that the story is unoriginal. However, you cannot think of it as unoriginal, instead realize that this film is a beautiful and fresh retelling of a classic story. The visual effects were incredible, as expected, but an unexpected aspect of the film, the score, was also fantastic and really encompassed the epic nature of the film. You can read tons of different reviews and opinions on this movie, but no matter what you read, there is no reason to not to see this film in the theaters. Avatar should, and most likely will, run away with the Best Picture award for 2009.

Acting: A
Visual: A+
Audio: A+
Story: B+
Other: A

Parney Points: 5

To see the imdb listing for this film click here.

The Hurt Locker (2009)

The Hurt Locker (2009)
Katheryn Bigelow

The Hurt Locker is a phenomenal movie, the second best modern-war movie I have seen, behind only Black Hawk Down. This movie is captivating, intense, comedic, dramatic all in one. Jeremy Renner is brilliant in the main role and truly draws you in each and every scene. One of the greatest aspects of the movie is that it is not focused on the war and story is not driven by it either. The Iraqi war is simply the setting of the story revolving around the protagonist. The true purpose and beauty of the film is the examination of the protagonist's dual nature. He is both a great soldier and terrible soldier at the same time; you love him or hate him depending on the scene. In any other year The Hurt Locker would deserve best picture, unfortunately it is going up against a film that only comes along about once a decade. The Best Directing award is Katheryn Bigelow's to lose and if the Best Picture Award ends up being an upset, this is surely the film to surprise everyone. Due to the film's limited release, it is possible that you have not yet seen this film; out of every film nominated this year, this is the one you should not miss.

Acting: A
Visual: B+
Audio: B
Story: A
Other: A+

Parney Points: 5

To see the imdb listing for this film click here.

District 9 (2009)

District 9 (2009)
Neill Blomkamp

This film was the biggest surprise of the Oscar season. While I was expecting a purely-political satire trying to force its message on the viewer, that was not the case. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that District 9 was instead a true science-fiction adventure, with deep characters and a compelling story line. What set this film apart from others was the exceptional detail of the visuals, especially the emotions and personalities of the Prawns. The first third of the movie, told in a documentary-esque form was fantastic, and really set the tone for the entire film. This is a must see and should go down as one better Science Fiction films in the last decade.

Acting: B
Visual: A
Audio: B
Story: B+
Other: A

Parney Points: 4.5

To see the imdb listing for this film click here.

An Education (2009)

An Education (2009)
Lone Scherfig

An Education is one of those rare low-budget films that actually lives up to the hype its given. The story was heartwarming, the acting charming, the costumes creative, and were it not for the ending, I probably would have scored this film even higher. Carey Mulligan and Peter Sarsgaard played the lead couple perfectly while Alfred Molina and Olivia Williams shined in their supporting roles. This is normally not the type of movie I, or the average movie-goer would probably enjoy, but that is one of the best things about An Education, it is great for every type of viewer. I would recommend giving this movie a chance, even if it doesn't seem like one you would enjoy.

Acting: A
Visual: B
Audio: B
Story: A
Other: B+

Parney Points: 4

To see the imdb listing for this film click here.

Up in the Air (2009)

Up in the Air (2009)
Jason Reitman

Up in the air is finally the film George Clooney has been waiting for. This film reminded me of both Michael Clayton and Lost in Translation, except this film was actually good. This is the classic story of a man reaching his mid life crisis and realizing his life is not what he thinks it is. Whether it was the strong supporting acting by Anna Kendrick or Clooney's charming character, this film accomplishes its purpose - something that others of its kind have not. This film is special, something worth seeing and a serious Best Picture contender. I am very glad that someone has finally done this genre of movie well.

Acting: B+
Visual: C
Audio: C
Story: A
Other: B+

Parney Points: 4

To see the imdb listing for this film click here.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Up (2009)

Up (2009)
Pete Docter & Bob Peterson

Pixar always delivers quality films, and while viewers are blessed every year with their magic, that also means that there are some pretty high standards expected of each film they make. This was the major problem with Up; yes it was magical, yes it was heartwarming, but unfortunately it does not live up to the likes of Monsters Inc, Wall-E, Finding Nemo, and Toy Story just to name a few.

The voice acting was very convincing, the visuals were stunning, and the music was great. The storyline was good, but not as captivating as its predecessors. The single greatest aspect of this movie was Doug, the hilarious and charming talking dog. Up benefits greatly from the Best Picture expansion to ten films, as it would not get the nomination otherwise. However, Up is definitely a movie you should go out and see with your family, just don't expect it to live up to other past Pixar films.

Acting: B
Visual: A
Audio: B
Story: C+
Other: C

Parney Points: 4

To see the imdb listing for this film click here.

Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire (2009)

Precious: Based on the Novel Push by Sapphire (2009)
Lee Daniels

Precious was your typical 'child fighting to get out of poverty' story. Lee Daniels created a captivating and believable scenario and all of the actors played their parts well. There was nothing wrong with the film, but there was nothing great either. The story, visuals, audio, and acting were all slightly better than average. Monique was the only one who really shined and definitely deserves the Best Supporting Actress Oscar.

The film is lucky to have the Best Picture and Best Actress nominations, for as decently as Gabourey Sidibe acted, her role was not challenging and she wasn't required to do much more than mumble a few lines during the two hours she was on camera. Apart from Monique's great portrayal of Precious' mother, the best part of the film was the short, 10 second cut scenes used to demonstrate Precious' creative coping mechanism. This is another film you should add to your Netflix queue, but don't go out and spend any money to see it.

Acting: B
Visual: C
Audio: C
Story: B+
Other: A

Parney Points: 4

To see the imdb listing for this film click here.