Sunday, July 12, 2009

Three Kings (1999)

Three Kings (1999)
David O. Russell

This film was better than I was expecting. From the previews it seemed like another George Clooney political statement, but it was actually a decent movie. What really stood out to me about the movie was the graphic detail of some scenes. Not graphic as in gore, but the scientific detail that you would see in CSI. I first ignored this because this type of filming is common place now in shows like CSI and NCIS, however when I realized that Three Kings was created before any of these newer shows debuted, I was impressed. Another thing I found interesting about the movie was that it was based on the first gulf war, obviously with no idea we were going to go back again in just a few years. I would not reccommend going out of your way to rent this movie from blockbuster, but you can catch it on TV every month or so, or just add it to your Netflix queue and watch it when it comes in.

Acting: B
Visual: A
Audio: B
Story: C
Other: B

Parney Points: 4

To see the imdb listing for this film click here.

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